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May 21, 2017


The meeting was called to order by Linnea Marohn. A motion to adopt the minutes as circulated was made by Theresa Chapin; seconded by Betty Braun. CARRIED



The Treasurer’s report was presented by Shelly Zawislak. Total in the Friends of Sandy Lake bank account is $19,065.02, Our chequing account balance is $14,292.30.

The country kitchen account holds $1264.84, and $3.13 interest. $3474.21 in our Plan 24 after earning $3.02 interest and a surplus share of $33.69. Motion to accept Treasurers report from Shelly Zawislak, seconded by Linda Lewandoski. CARRIED



The outlet ran all winter up until mid-May. The outlet is not currently open as a license has now been issued, so not under emergency measures anymore. The lake that Sandy Lake drains into needs to be lower before the drain can be open again. A marker will soon be installed in the lake to show the ideal lake level.

The golf course road from Hwy 45 to the golf course is scheduled to be repaved this year.

There is talk from the RM of putting water into the new area of Beach Road, possibly will have a proposal and figures by fall.



It has been suggested that we erect sign regarding zebra mussel information. We may have volunteers posting phone numbers on the signs to monitor who is launching their boats and where those boats have been.

Bill Carlson moves that the Friends of Sandy Lake commit up to $1000 to volunteer a committee to work with the RM of Harrison-Park to arrange signage regarding zebra mussels in Sandy Lake. Seconded by Sharalynn Melynchuck. CARRIED



Teresa Chapin put a motion forward to form a separate playground committee. Seconded by Ian Drul. CARRIED

We were informed that Communities in Bloom has talked about putting a playground where the bandstand is currently.



Still looking for donations for fishing pier with a couple of slips for temporary docking.


There will be a car show again this year, and new this year there will be a craft show added. They are looking for volunteers.



Looking for volunteers.



Dues will be remain at $20.



Betty Braun has volunteered to be president.

Teresa Chapin nominates Betty Braun for President of The Friends of Sandy Lake. Joyce Foster moves that nominations cease. Ross Foster seconded. CARRIED



Discussed the prospect of installing new siding on the country kitchen. Will be putting that forward to Doug Wotton.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. Next meeting will be held Sunday July 2, 2017 11:00am at the Drop-In Centre.

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